Rainbow Tree Therapies, LLC welcomes professional volunteers to experience therapies and child development support in a non-traditional setting. Children are supported holistically through activities that support the physical body, stimulate the mind, and support the connection with others and nature. Volunteers are an integral part of providing a meaningful camp experience for our campers. This is also a wonderful opportunity to observe therapists with years of pediatric experience. We welcome questions throughout your experience. Volunteers are required to be in a professional area of study or who maintain a professional degree related to development of children. Interested volunteers will be requested to complete the following volunteer form. An agreement form will also be required as we approach camp. If you have questions, please contact Lisa Haverly at rainbowtreeinfo@gmail.com VOLUNTEER FORM
If you are interested in supporting Rainbow Tree camps but are unable to volunteer, please click the link below to make a donation. Your donation will go toward a scholarship fund OR support any upcoming volunteer camps that Rainbow Tree staff is providing.
Jamaica 2020 Mission Trip!!!
In August 2020, the Rainbow Tree team will be traveling to Jamaica to provide a therapeutic camp for teen girls who have either been abandoned or abused or both and are living in a supportive home called Melody House. We will be traveling with the Traveling With A Purpose team to provide this opportunity. We are honored to be able to make a difference in this way. We hope you can consider supporting this mission as we take our passion and care to Jamaica. Thank you so very much. Please use the link below to support our mission!
Testimonial from Rainbow Tree Volunteer:
Letter from a Volunteer: “Thank you Rainbow Tree! I am writing this letter to thank Lisa Haverly for the opportunity to volunteer during the Pre-K Boost Up Camp. My niece, Michelle Paulisich, a Speech and Language Clinician, got me involved in the camp. It was the best experience I can honestly say I have been involved in and it was a fantastic opportunity for the 3-6 year olds involved. Two years ago, I reluctantly retired from teaching pre-school/kindergarten, after 34 years. It was always my dream to teach in an appropriately designed outdoor, hands-on experience for Early Childhood children. Graduating from college and trying to find a job, got me sucked into the public school system. Of course, I fought the administrative ideals, and had to teach the academics the best way I could, but I always felt and knew that the hands-on teaching or concrete learning was most beneficial to all small children. At my retirement time, I became frustrated with the push for the use of technology and computer testing being used to assess children’s progress in the Rosholt, WI area. I sadly left the system, but continue to volunteer in the Kindergarten classes to model techniques that are hands-on for those students who will always learn better with that approach. This summer, my niece who is a friend of Lisa’s, explained the camp called Rainbow Tree and I leaped at the chance to help out. It was a situation I only previously dreamed about, but now could participate in. In one week, I was totally immersed in a learning environment that I emotionally and professionally know is beneficial in any child’s learning process. The outdoor weather was perfect, the environment was naturally developed and preciously preserved and left as is to encourage a variety of learning. The important thing is, this camp has got it—the basic learning needed to help children grow using an atmosphere that is developmentally appropriate. This is one experience I plan to share with my own community –to make parents aware that you too can provide outdoor experiences with your children and have fun doing it. Thank you Lisa, Michelle and parents in Hudson for contributing to and making this camp successful!
Shary W. , Retired Early Childhood and Kindergarten Teacher