About Us























Lisa Haverly, Owner & Facilitator of Rainbow Tree 

Lisa Haverly launched Rainbow Tree Therapies in 2013!  The name of our business signifies how the differences we have contributes to a beautiful whole. 

OUR MISSION:  To support children & families in building resilient capacity while increasing feelings of ease and joy so that you can blaze your own trail and climb your own mountains to engage in meaningful occupations and take on the challenges of living with increased confidence and self compassion.


  • We value possibilities
  • We value supporting youth with kindness and compassion 
  • We value accessibility of nature and nature camps for all children regardless of ability. 
  • We value the outdoors as a natural space for children to thrive. 
  • We value nature as space of deep nurturance and healing.
  • We value supporting children and families toward dynamics of joy and harmony so the home front is a space of connection and love.



“Rainbow Tree Find Your Rhythm camp is amazing!  My daughter has gone for two years, and is excited to come back this year.  She loves everything about it!  She loves being in nature, and having fun activities that support her sensory and motor needs.  She loves playing with the other kids.  I love that there is ample adult support.  I don’t have to worry that she will be pushed to do things she isn’t ready to do just to keep up with the other kids.  The support staff are all trained professionals who work with kids in their “day jobs.”  My daughter talks about this camp all year long.  She asks at least once a week when she can go back.”  — Mom, Mary

Rainbow Tree Therapies was developed by Occupational Therapist, Lisa Haverly, whose intention is to honor the unique spirit of each child’s development using the outdoors and nature as the natural premise for growth and development.  This holistic approach supports the whole child using an experiential and developmental learning model including a multi-sensory approach to learning and growing.  Children may engage in physical activity outdoors, games, collaborative play, sensory rich play and integrative practices that may support mental health and well-being. Integrative practices that may be used include breath work, mindfulness, body scans, visualization and progressive muscle relaxation.  There is research and evidence to support the use of these practices for mental well-being.  Our camps focus more on social participation and connection with the great outdoors.  The outdoors provides an expansive opportunity for children to breathe fresh air, engage in imaginative and creative sensory rich play, find meaning while exploring and connecting to nature, develop motor coordination skills and functional speech and language skills.   Rainbow Tree provides animal experiences that support which has shown to support children with communication, social interactions, and self regulation.   We have found animals to be a wonderful calming tool along with the sensory motor benefits as well!   

Rainbow Tree Therapies also fosters a deeper appreciation and connection to the earth and all the living things which inhabit it.  Nature provides a stress free environment where kids can express themselves freely and connect with themselves and the world around them.   

The staff at Rainbow Tree is passionate about supporting people with intention and a deep commitment to making a difference.  Each staff member not only brings a wealth of knowledge from their field of expertise but also additional passions outside their professional fields which adds even more richness and depth to the support provided.  

NATURE BASED PROFESSIONALS:  If you are a professional interested in or currently using nature in your service to others, please check out the Nature Superhero Network https://lisarhaverly.podia.com/. and the facebook group:  @Nature Based Occupational Therapy and Related Professions Group